What We Do
Our Services
What level of support do you need at this time?
Our team offers comprehensive consultation support and direct service. Each level of support is individually tailored to your needs so that you can access as little or as much support as you need. All levels of service are designed to educate and empower you. With deep experience in the South Bay, Peninsula, and beyond – we offer support across the Bay Area.
Consultation Support
Consultation involves video-conferencing, and phone support.
- Preparing for an upcoming meeting (IEP, 504, SST)
- Reviewing the child’s IEP or 504 plan before you sign in agreement
- Conducting an in-depth file review to create a tailored list of recommended support options from tutors, non-public schools, and therapeutic interventions
Direct Services
This comprehensive level of support includes:
- Attendance at IEP, 504, SST, and team meetings
- Observations of your child or potential classroom placements
- Support in developing comprehensive 504 or IEP plans
- Short-term student coaching to glean the roadblocks and support growth
We are here to listen to your concerns, empathize, offer expert perspective, and solutions.
Once initial concerns have been addressed, our team offers support as your child moves through the years. Some families decide that they would like us to attend every IEP or 504 meeting for emotional support or document accuracy. Other families reach back out in a crisis or when their child is transitioning to middle school, high school, or into an adult transition program. Some parents just call with a quick question and the need for a calming conversation.
Would you like to schedule an initial consult call to learn more about how we can support you?
Please fill out this quick form, and we will contact you shortly to schedule a consult call.
More general questions? Please email us at connect@mosaicmindsconsulting.com